View No. 15 (2019)

No. 15 (2019)


Publication date:

Section: Studies

Only the gates of tears have not closed before us. " God and the Holocaust in the letters of Lublin rabbi Hersz Majlech Talmud

Adam Kopciowski

Adam Kopciowski is a historian, PhD, DSc, head of the Department of the Jewish Culture and History at the Institute of Culture Studies at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. He deals with the recent history of Jews in Poland, mainly with the issues related to sources written in Yiddish: the press and Yizkor books. Recently he published, among others, the monograph Wos hert zich in der province? Prasa żydowska na Lubelszczyźnie i jej największy dziennik „Lubliner Tugblat” (2015).

Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie, Instytut Kulturoznawstwa

Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, No. 15 (2019), pages: 91-113

Publication date: 2019-12-20


The last rabbi of Lublin, Hersz Majlech Talmud, held that position during 1936–1942. The main objective of this article is to tell his biography and present and analyze two letters he wrote in the rump ghetto at Majdan Tatarski in Lublin in July and October 1942, that is, shortly before the final liquidation of the ghetto. Both these texts constitute a unique testimony to the theological and existential dilemmas troubling Talmud in the face of the Holocaust drama unfolding before his eyes, with the place and role of God in that process being one of their basic threads discussed in those letters. The characteristic of the Lublin rabbi’s opinions has been supplemented with the historical context (a description of the everyday life in the ghetto at Majdan Tatarski based on witness testimonies and recollections) and the philosophical context (a brief juxtaposition of Talmud’s theological reflections with conceptions of several other Jewish writers and thinkers originating from the religious circles who wrote both during the war after its end).

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Kopciowski, A. . (2019). Only the gates of tears have not closed before us. " God and the Holocaust in the letters of Lublin rabbi Hersz Majlech Talmud. Zagłada Żydów. Studia I Materiały, (15), 91-113.

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                            View No. 15 (2019)

No. 15 (2019)


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