View No. 20 (2024)

No. 20 (2024)


Publication date:

Section: Studies

Between responsibility and powerlessness, generosity and temptation. Social care workers in the Warsaw ghetto in the face of their charges and petitioners

Aleksandra Bańkowska

Aleksandra Bańkowska - PhD, historian. Editor and co-editor of four volumes within the framework of the project of the full Polish edition of documents from the Ringelblum Archive at the Jewish Historical Institute, co-author of the online “Encyclopedia of the Warsaw Ghetto” published by the Jewish Historical Institute, recipient of the Saul Kagan Fellowship in Advanced Shoah Studies, Kersten Foundation, winner of the Prof. Majer Balaban Competition. She is interested in the history of Jewish welfare organizations during the Nazi occupation in Poland at both the central and local levels. He works at the Polish Center for Holocaust Research at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She is preparing for publication a monograph on Jewish welfare in Warsaw in 1939-1943.

Polish Center for Holocaust Research at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, No. 20 (2024), pages: 85-106

Publication date: 2024-12-17


Jewish social care institutions and facilities in the Warsaw Ghetto employed some 3,000 workers.
Their mission was to help - usually with providing food - tens of thousands of people. The very
difficult working conditions among people living in unimaginable poverty, frustrated and in despair,
with the constantly changing level of ghetto social care capabilities and the necessity to choose who
was more deserving of help, created enormous tension in the staff. A whole range of difficult
emotions became their lot, causing them to adopt different attitudes toward their charges and
petitioners: from heroic commitment, generosity and activity to indifference and using resources to
their own advantage. The article attempts to outline this difficult psychological situation in which
social care practitioners found themselves. It relies primarily on diaries and notes written in the
ghetto and preserved in the Ringelblum Archive, as well as documentation of social care institutions.

Źródła archiwalne/ Archival sources

Archiwum Żydowskiego Instytutu Historycznego

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CENTOS, 200/4, 200/8–9, 200/18, 200/21–22

Pamiętniki, 302/201, Pamiętnik Racheli Kleiner; 302/336, pamiętnik Marka Passensteina

Żydowska Samopomoc Społeczna, 211/10, 211/127, 211/1068, 211/1072, 211/1075

Żydowska Samopomoc Społeczna – Aneks, 211A/248

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Bańkowska, A. (2024). Between responsibility and powerlessness, generosity and temptation. Social care workers in the Warsaw ghetto in the face of their charges and petitioners. Zagłada Żydów. Studia I Materiały, (20), 85-106.

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                            View No. 20 (2024)

No. 20 (2024)


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Dział: Studies