New Geographies, New Subjects, and the New Media in Holocaust Studies. A Companion to the Holocaust
Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, No. 17 (2021), pages: 673-681
Publication date: 2021-12-20
This article is a review of A Companion to the Holocaust – a collective work edited by Simone Gigliotti and Hilary Earl, which includes essays by Devin Pendas, Joanna Michlic, Aomar Boum, Tim Cole, and others. The author of the article situates the reviewed publication in a broader context of phenomena such as the ‘era of the post-witness’, the performative turn in Holocaust studies, the dominance of audiovisual media in memory, and post-memory of the Holocaust. The review reconstructs key areas of the subject matter discussed in the essays and divides them according to their main topic, such as, ‘new geographies’ and ‘new subjects’ in Holocaust studies and the role of the new media in Holocaust memory.
Holocaust, new media, memory, postmemory
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A Companion to the Holocaust, red. Simone Gigliotti, Hilary Earl, Hobocken: Wiley-Blackwell 2020.
Berberich Christine, „I think I am beginning to understand. What I am writing is an infranovel!”. Laurent Binet, HHhH, and the Problem of „writing history”, „Holocaust Studies. A Journal of the Culture and History” 2020, nr 1–2.
Makhortykh Mykola, Nurturing the Pain: audiovisual tributes to the Holocaust on the YouTube, „Holocaust Studies. A Journal of Culture and History” 2019, t. 25, nr 4.
Małczyński Jacek, Krajobrazy Zagłady. Perspektywa historii środowiskowej, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo IBL, 2018.
Popescu Diana I, Schult Tanja, Introduction [w:] Revisiting Holocaust Representation in the Post-Witness Era, red. Diana I. Popescu, Tanja Schult, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillian, 2015.
Copyright (c) 2021 Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały
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