View No. 9 (2013)

No. 9 (2013)


Publication date:

Section: From research workshops

The Bialystok Ghetto Underground Archive. The Mersik–Tenenbaum Archive

Aleksandra Bańkowska

historian, archivist at the Jewish Historical Institute, PhD student at the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences, edited the Archiwum Ringelbluma. Konspiracyjne Archiwum Getta Warszawy, vol. 6: Generalne Gubernatorstwo. Relacje i dokumenty (2012) and (together with Tadeusz Epsztein) vol. 11: Ludzie i prace „Oneg Szabat” (2013).

Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Weronika Romanik

a graduate of cultural studies with a specialization in Hebrew at the University of Warsaw, PhD student at the Department of Hebrew Studies at the University of Warsaw. Since 2009, she has been involved in the history of the Białystok ghetto and its archives and conducts interviews with Holocaust survivors, including members of the Jewish resistance movement. Currently, she translates and works on the writings of Mordechai Tenenbaum-Tamarof. She is also interested in the Yiddish language and culture, and intercultural education. Scholarship holder of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, Institute for the History of Polish Jewry and Israel-Poland Relations (Tel Aviv University), Rothberg Family Fund (Hebrew University).

Hebrew Studies, Warsaw University

Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, No. 9 (2013), pages: 257-273

Publication date: 2013-12-01


 The Mersik–Tenenbaum archive is a collection of documents assembled in the Bialystok ghetto in the years 1942-1943 by Dror He-Chaluc activists: Mordechaj Tenenbaum-Tamarof, Cwi Mersik and Gedalia Petluk, consisting of accounts, diaries, records of the Jewish Council, leaflets, letters, and personal documents. These materials were hidden outside the ghetto in a house of a Pole, Dr. Bolesław Filipowski, in 1943 and found in 1944 or 1945 by Lejb Blumental, brother of the late Izrael Blumental, who was involved in hiding the documents. Some of the surviving material was sold to the Central Jewish Historical Commission and to this day remains in the archives of the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, while others came to the Commission in duplicates, and some originals are in Israel, where they are scattered in the different centers. Most likely some part of the Underground Archive has not been found until today.


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Bańkowska, A., & Romanik, W. (2013). The Bialystok Ghetto Underground Archive. The Mersik–Tenenbaum Archive. Zagłada Żydów. Studia I Materiały, (9), 257-273.

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                            View No. 9 (2013)

No. 9 (2013)


Data publikacji:

Dział: From research workshops