View No. 5 (2009)

No. 5 (2009)


Publication date:

Section: Points of View

Christian–Jewish Dialogue – with the Holocaust in the Background

Stanisław Obirek

Stanisław Obirek is a full professor at the American Studies Center, Warsaw University. He studied Polish philology at the Jagiellonian University; philosophy and theology in Naples and Rome at the Gregorian University. Obirek explores the place of religion in contemporary culture; he is interested in inter-faith dialogue, consequences of the Holocaust and possibilities of overcoming religious, civilization and cultural conflicts. The most significant publications: Co nas łączy? Dialog z niewierzącymi (2002), Religia – schronienie czy więzienie? (2006), Obrzeża katolicyzmu (2008), Catholicism as a Cultural Phenomenon in the Time of Globalization: A Polish Perspective (2009), Uskrzydlony umysł. Antropologia słowa Waltera Onga (2010), Umysł wyzwolony. W poszukiwaniu dojrzałego katolicyzmu (2011), Of God and Man (with Zygmunt Baumanem, 2015), On the World and Ourselves (with Zygmunt Bauman, 2015), Polak katolik? (2015).

Department of International Relations and Politology, Lodz University

Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, No. 5 (2009), pages: 299-316

Publication date: 2009-11-09


Christian-Jewish dialogue is one of the most distinguishable results of the Conciliar Declaration Nostra Aetate, issued by the Catholic Church on 28 October 1965. The theological implications of the declaration are visible in Catholic theologians’ reflection, especially in the USA and Western Europe. The echoes of this debate are barely audible in Poland. Similarly to Judaism, also in Christianity there is no one and only answer to the Holocaust. It even seems that the attitude towards this event, to large extend, polarized Catholic theologians. It so happens that conservative tendencies in theology are usually connected with the unwillingness to incorporate the Holocaust into the reflection on the essence of Christianity. At the same time, open theology discerns a necessity not only to include the Shoah in the theology, but even to perceive it as an indispensable point of reference as well. Particularly distinctive in the Christian-Jewish dialogue in Poland is the opinion of Father Waldemar Chrostowski. Apart from him, this subject was dealt with by Fathers Michał Czajkowski, the Jesuit Stanisław Musiał and Romuald Jakub Weksler-Waszkinel. Besides, Father Wacław Hryniewicz presented an interesting suggestion.


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Obirek, S. . (2009). Christian–Jewish Dialogue – with the Holocaust in the Background. Zagłada Żydów. Studia I Materiały, (5), 299-316.

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                            View No. 5 (2009)

No. 5 (2009)


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Dział: Points of View