View No. 20 (2024)

No. 20 (2024)


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Section: Holocaust commemorations

In search of new ways to express what is difficult to comprehend. Holocaust museums and commemoration sites in the 21st century

Zofia Woycicka

Zofia Wóycicka - historian, assistant professor at the UW Department of Sociology, where she is leading an NCN OPUS22 grant entitled “Aid given to Jews during World War II and the process of formation of transnational social memory.” She has worked as an educator, curator and researcher in Polish and foreign institutions. Her main areas of interest are memory studies and museology, especially ways of presenting the history of World War II and the Holocaust. Among her most recent publications is the collective volume The Rescue Turn and the Politics of Holocaust Memory (2024), co-edited by Natalia Aleksiun and Raphael Utz.

Warsaw University

Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, No. 20 (2024), pages: 717-745

Publication date: 2024-12-17


The article discusses the development of museums and permanent exhibitions on the Holocaust of the past three decades. Its thesis is that in recent years there have been significant changes in the way the Holocaust is being presented in museums. Firstly, there has been a rediscovery of “Holocaust objects”, though the way they are presented differs substantially from what we know from early memorial museums. Secondly, we witness a shift towards more abstract and conceptual forms of presenting the Holocaust. New museums and exhibitions are breaking the bipolar division between documentary and experiential displays that has dominated the European museum landscape in the recent decades. The article takes a closer look at four museums and historical exhibitions opened in Europe in the last five years: the permanent exhibition at the Museum and Memorial in Sobibór (2020), the gallery “Catastrophe” at the Jewish Museum Berlin (2020), the Holocaust Galleries at the Imperial War Museum London (2021), and the National Holocaust Museum in Amsterdam (2024). The author also cites other examples from Europe and the United States.

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Wóycicka, Z. (2024). In search of new ways to express what is difficult to comprehend. Holocaust museums and commemoration sites in the 21st century. Zagłada Żydów. Studia I Materiały, (20), 717-745.

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                            View No. 20 (2024)

No. 20 (2024)


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Dział: Holocaust commemorations