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No. 18 (2022)


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Section: Materials

“As a Memento for Your Sons and Future Generations so as to Honor Your Deeds” – Materials for the Biography of Smuggler Benzion Kalb

Karolina Panz

PhD, sociologist, member of the Polish Center for Holocaust Research, works as a post-doc at the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She lives in Podhale and has been researching the fate of local Jews during the Holocaust and the post-war period for several years. Involved in activities to restore the memory of the Jews of Podhale: she is a Dialogue Leader supported by the Forum for Dialogue Foundation and a volunteer of the "People not Numbers" project of the Popiela Family Center Foundation. In 2022, she received the Fr. Stanisław Musiał for creativity in the spirit of dialogue and Christian-Jewish and Polish-Jewish cooperation, as well as the Polcul Foundation Award. Jan Boniecki for social activity related to the subject of scientific research and courage in addressing difficult historical topics. Currently, she is finishing work on a monograph which is an extended version of her doctorate devoted to the extermination of Nowy Targ Jews, which was awarded the first prize in the competition named after Majer Bałaban and the competition them. Inka Brodzka-Wald.

Institute for Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences

translation of B. Kalb's diary from Yiddish Monika Polit

Ph.D. literary theorist. Teaches Yiddish language and literature at the Jewish History and Culture section at the Institute of History of Warsaw University. Author of a number of translations and scientific editions of sources. Recently published: “Moja żydowska dusza nie obawia się dnia sądu”. Mordechaj Chaim Rumkowski. Prawda i zmyślenie (2012); Losy Żydów łódzkich (Archiwum Ringelbluma, vol. 10, 2013); Awrom Pinkas Unger, Moje miasteczko Stryków (2013); Encyklopedia getta. Niedokończony projekt archiwistów z getta łódzkiego (2014, co-editor together with Krystyna Radziszewska, Ewa Wiatr, Adam Sitarek, Jacek Walicki); Józef Zelkowicz, Notatki z getta łódzkiego 1941–1944 (2016, co-editor with Michał Trębacz, Ewa Wiatr, and Krystyna Radziszewska); “Meine jüdische Seele fürchtet den Tag des Gerichts nicht” Mordechaj Chaim Rumkowski – Wahrheit und Legende (2017); Pisma Pereca Opoczyńskiego (Archiwum Ringelbluma, vol. 31, 2017); Józef Zelkowicz, “Piszący te słowa jest pracownikiem gettowej instytucji…”. “Z dziennika” i inne pisma z łódzkiego getta (2019)

Deppartment of History, Warsaw University

translation of B. Kalb's diary from Yiddish - Ewa Kuma-Zielińska

Wydział Historii, Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego

Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, No. 18 (2022), pages: 520-563

Publication date: 2023-03-11


The sources presented in this article are closely connected with the article entitled “Survival Networks – Smugglers from Podhale and Spiš During the Holocaust,” published in this issue of our journal and the fate of its protagonist, Benzion Kalb during 1943–1945. During the war, Kalb operated in the smuggling networks on the Polish-Slovak border. Between 1943 and 1944, he used his contacts and routes to smuggle hundreds of people across the border between occupied Poland and Slovakia as well as across the Slovakian-Hungarian border.

Univeristy of Southern California Shoah Foundation, Visual History Archive, 9261, Wy- wiad z Clarą Colb, Nowy Jork, 27 XI 1995 r.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Ben Zion Kalb Papers, 2014.406.2.

Sefer Sṭrizow we-ha-sewiwa [Księga Strzyżowa i okolic], red. Icchak Berglas, Szlomo Jaha- lomi (Diamand), Tel Awiw: Irgun Jocej Sṭrizow be-Israel uwa-Tfucot, 1969 [wyd. anglojęzyczne: The Book of Stryzow and Vicinity, red. Itzhok Berglass, Shlomo Yahalomi-Diamand, Izrael–USA: Natives of Stryzow Societies and the Diaspora, 1990


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Panz, K., Polit, M., & Kuma-Zielińska, E. (2023). “As a Memento for Your Sons and Future Generations so as to Honor Your Deeds” – Materials for the Biography of Smuggler Benzion Kalb. Zagłada Żydów. Studia I Materiały, (18), 520-563.

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                            View No. 18 (2022)

No. 18 (2022)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Materials