View No. 20 (2024)

No. 20 (2024)


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Section: From research workshops

“This is what the Deputy Elder of the Jewish Community Jakubowicz could have said about it.” Legal proceedings against Aron “Arek” Jakubowicz

Monika Polit

Monika Polit - PhD, literary scholar. She teaches Yiddish language and literature at the Department of Jewish History and Culture at the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw. Author of numerous translations from Yiddish and studies of scholarly editions of sources. She has published, among others: Encyclopedia of the Ghetto. The Unfinished Project of the Lodz Ghetto Archivists (2014, compiled. with Krystyna Radziszewska, Ewa Wiatr, Adam Sitarek, and Jacek Walicki); The Writings of Peretz Opoczynski (Ringelblum Archive, vol. 31, 2017); Jozef Zelkowicz, “The writer of these words is an employee of a ghetto institution.... “From the Diary” and Other Writings from the Lodz Ghetto (2019), The Ringelblum Archive: Underground Archive of the Warsaw Ghetto, vol. 7 (2022, compiled with Eleonora Bergman and Ewa Wiatr).

History Department, University of Warsaw

Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, No. 20 (2024), pages: 615-630

Publication date: 2024-12-17


The subject of this article is an analysis of the documents of the court proceedings against Aron “Arek” Jakubowicz, suspected of a crime under Article 1 of the PKWN Decree of August 31, 1944. The head of the Central Bureau of Labor Ministries in the Litzmannstadt Ghetto was arrested in Lodz in November 1945, and after considering the evidence gathered, was released in December of that year. The charges against him were deemed unfounded, motivated only by personal animosities. The picture emerging from official documents has been supplemented with information from testimonies, written and oral accounts of Lodz Ghetto survivors who came into contact with Jakubowicz or with whom he had closer ties, whether social or family (the case of Bernard Fuchs). The article also refers to materials from the family archive, not available to outsiders, which are now in the custody of Jakubowicz’s grandchildren

Źródła archiwalne / Archival sources

Archiwum Państwowe w Łodzi

Prokuratura Sądu Specjalnego Karnego w Łodzi, sygn. 4/1248

Relacje / Testimonies

Relacje Edwarda Kleina, w zbiorach autorki

Źródła publikowane / Published sources

Chęciński Moniek, O formach organizacyjnych i szkoleniowych młodzieży Lewicy Związkowej i o jej działalności (demonstracje, sabotaże, strajki itp.) w fabryce metalowej nr 2 (Metall II) i jej podległych zakładach, „Biuletyn ŻIH” 1965, nr 3.

Encyklopedia getta. Niedokończony projekt archiwistów z getta łódzkiego, red. Krystyna Radziszewska, Ewa Wiatr, Adam Sitarek, Jacek Walicki i Monika Polit, Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2014.

Poznański Jakub, Dziennik z łódzkiego getta, Warszawa: Bellona, 2002.

Proces Hansa Biebowa. Zagłada getta łódzkiego (akta i stenogramy sądowe), oprac. Jerzy Lewiński, Warszawa: IPN, 1987.

Sitarek Adam, „Otoczone drutem państwo”. Struktura i funkcjonowanie administracji żydowskiej getta łódzkiego, Łódź: IPN, 2015.

Szczekacz Lejb, Hans Biebow, Naciszer masen-merder fun lodżer getto, wert gemiszpet in Pojln, „Forwerts”, 27 kwietnia 1947.

Zysman Ewa, Barbara Beatus i Jej „obozowa Rodzina”, Montreal: Polish-Jewish Heritage Foundation 2010.

Netografia / Netography

Damian Utracki,,4603.pdf

Głuszyca tuż po wojnie,



Muzeum Gross-Rosen,

Oral history interview with Irene and Bert Fleming, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum| RG Number: RG-50.030.0430, 1996 May 17,

Peter Prosaw scrapbook,

„Racing Through the Dark”,

Wywiad z Esterą Frenkiel przeprowadzony dla USC Shoah Fundation w 1995 r.,


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Polit, M. (2024). “This is what the Deputy Elder of the Jewish Community Jakubowicz could have said about it.” Legal proceedings against Aron “Arek” Jakubowicz. Zagłada Żydów. Studia I Materiały, (20), 615-630.

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                            View No. 20 (2024)

No. 20 (2024)


Data publikacji:

Dział: From research workshops