View No. 20 (2024)

No. 20 (2024)


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Section: Psychology and the Holocaust

„This is not the time to dream?“ An explorative psychoanalytical and historical reading of selected dreams in diaries written by Jewish victims of the Holocaust in occupied Poland (1939–1945)

Anne-Christin Klotz

Anne-Christin Klotz – dr, historyczka, od 2022 r. postdoctoral researcher w Martin Buber Society of Fellows na Uniwersytecie Hebrajskim w Jerozolimie. Jej zainteresowania badawcze obejmują Holokaust w Europie Wschodniej, globalną kulturę jidysz oraz żydowskie praktyki żałoby. Jej książka Together against Germany. Warsaw’s Yiddish Press in the Struggle against National Socialism (1930–1941) (2022) otrzymała kilka międzynarodowych nagród, Yad Vashem Book Prize 2023. Obecnie bada ziomkostwa wschodnioeuropejskich ocalałych Żydów jako ośrodki samopomocy migrantom, pracuje także nad projektem wywiadów dokumentujących antysemityzm z perspektywy żydowskiej w Niemczech.

Uniwersytet Hebrajski w Jerozolimie

Spiegel Jasmin

Jasmin Spiegel - PhD, clinical psychologist, psychoanalyst and postdoctoral researcher at the Martin Buber Society of Fellows in the Humanities and Social Sciences at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is the author of publications on psychoanalysis, movement analysis and post-traumatic stress disorder. She is currently engaged in a comprehensive study of non-verbal processes in psychotherapy, and is working on an interview project documenting anti-Semitism from a Jewish perspective in Germany.

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, No. 20 (2024), pages: 253-274

Publication date: 2024-12-17


Diaries written by Jewish victims of the Holocaust played an extensive role since the beginning of researching the Shoah. In this study the authors analyzed a corpus of published diaries, which were written in occupied Poland during 1939 and 1945 through a closed-reading in the sense of a Reinhart Koselleck’s hermeneutical interpretation (1979) and by applying a psychoanalytic interpretation of the dream content with the help of the Zurich Dream Process Coding System (Moser & Zeppelin 1996; Moser & Hortig 2019). The dream-like narratives we extracted from the diaries` range from posttraumatic nightmares of persecution and violence to dream-like sequences like day-dreams, and alternative realities. The researchers present three single-cases of diaries that were written in hiding and within ghettos. They argue that the dreams depict a „psychic retreat” (Steiner 1993), a clinical concept that explains bastions of inner retreat where the dreamers are hardly reachable but safe from dreadful emotions. The authors use this concept for the understanding of the dreams in relation to the historical analysis of the course of the writers` lives and the ongoing existential death threat. Implications for future interdisciplinary collaborations are discussed.

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Klotz, A.-C., & Jasmin, S. (2024). „This is not the time to dream?“ An explorative psychoanalytical and historical reading of selected dreams in diaries written by Jewish victims of the Holocaust in occupied Poland (1939–1945) . Zagłada Żydów. Studia I Materiały, (20), 253-274.

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No. 20 (2024)


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Dział: Psychology and the Holocaust