View No. 16 (2020)

No. 16 (2020)


Publication date:

Section: From research workshops

‘Chairman’s Best Child’ – Mail Delivery in the Łódź Ghetto (1939–1944)

Adriana Bryk

since 2001 employee of the State Archive in Lodz, post-graduate student at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń Research interests: Holocaust during world War II, with particular emphasis on provincial ghettos in Sieradz county and the Łódź ghetto, occupation of the Wartheland, the T4 program in the psychiatric hospitals in Łódź and Warta. Other interests include: archive studies, the functioning of chancelleries of offices in the 20th century; document and archive creation. Author of Niedopowiedziana historia. Niewysłane karty pocztowe z getta łódzkiego and articles on archive studies and history. Participated in the program “Lexicon of the Łódź Ghetto” carried out within the framework of National Programme for the Development of Humanities

State Archive in Lodz

Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, No. 16 (2020), pages: 523-553

Publication date: 2020-12-15


Following the announcement of the decision to establish the ghetto in Łódź, in February 1940 the German post office stopped delivering mail to Jewish addresses. The Eldest of the Jews, Mordechaj Chaim Rumkowski, established the Department of Mail within the framework of the administration in order to ensure uninterrupted delivery of correspondence to Jewish addresses. This article discusses the Department’s operation in as many dimensions as possible and systematizes our knowledge on its topic. It characterizes the rules which regulated the post office’s operation, the types of mail and addressees. It also discusses the censorship, that is the rules and criteria which the censors used when withholding ghetto residents’ correspondence. The reflections on the topic of the censoring practice are based on an analysis of annotations placed on mail and their relation to the content of the mail. This text is not a study on correspondence as a source for Holocaust research. It only signals the topic of treating correspondence in the form of postcards as a source for Holocaust research, as a testimony to the living conditions in the ghetto, to how people communicated with one another, and to how and what about ghetto residents informed others, and predominantly as a testimony of the victims. An important part of the article is a description of unsent postcards stored at the State Archive in Łódź in the fonds called “Przełożony Starszeństwa Żydów w Getcie Łódzkim” (Eldest of the Jews in the Łódź Ghetto). The collection consists of over 22,000 postcards, vast majority of which are postcards written by people detained in the Łódź ghetto which were not mailed by the post office. They were withheld on the basis of a decision made by the ghetto censorship or due to a temporary suspension of Postsperre (mail stoppage) during the period when Jews were being deported to death centers

Źródła archiwalne / Archival sources

Archiwum Państwowe w Łodzi (AP Łódź)

Przełożony Starszeństwa Żydów w Getcie Łódzkim

Archiwum Bejt Lochamej ha-Getaot

RG 4323

Archiwum YIVO Institute for Jewish Research w Nowym Jorku (AYIVO)

RG 241/338; 241/358; 241/456

Archiwum Żydowskiego Instytutu Historycznego (AŻIH)

American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee 1939–1941

Źródła publikowane / Published sources

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Literatura przedmiotu / Content related Literature

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Bryk, A. (2020). ‘Chairman’s Best Child’ – Mail Delivery in the Łódź Ghetto (1939–1944). Zagłada Żydów. Studia I Materiały, (16), 523-553.

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                            View No. 16 (2020)

No. 16 (2020)


Data publikacji:

Dział: From research workshops