View No. 12 (2016)

No. 12 (2016)


Publication date:

Section: Points of View

Dutch Society and the Jewish Fate: A Puzzling Record

Dan Michman

Emeritus professor of modern Jewish history and president of the Arnold and Leora Finkler Institute of Holocaust Research at Bar-Ilan University in Ramat-Gan, director of the International Institute for Holocaust Studies and employee of the John Najmann Chair of Holocaust Studies at Yad Vashem. He is a member of the editorial boards of several scientific journals (e.g. "Yad Vashem Studies", "Holocaust and Genocide Studies", "Zeitschrift für Genozidforschung") and in numerous scientific committees and boards of institutions in Israel and other countries. He has also lectured at the University of Amsterdam, the University of Toronto, and the Dutch Rabbinical Seminary and has given lectures at numerous academic institutions in various countries. He recently explored the link between the Holocaust and genocide research in The Jewish Dimension of the Holocaust in Dire Straits? Current Challenges of Interpretation and Scope (in the volume Jewish Histories of the Holocaust. New Transnational Approaches, 2014).

Yad Vashem

Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, No. 12 (2016), pages: 425-434

Publication date: 2016-11-30


The percentage of victimization of Dutch Jewry during the Shoah is the highest of Western, Central and Southern Europe (except, perhaps of Greece), and close to the Polish one: 75%, more than 104.000 souls. The question of disproportion between the apparent favorable status of the Jews in society – they had acquired emancipation in 1796 - and the disastrous outcome of the Nazi occupation as compared to other countries in general and Western European in particular has haunted Dutch historiography of the Shoah. Who should be blamed for that outcome: the perpetrators, i.e. the Germans, the bystanders, i.e. the Dutch or the victims, i.e. the Dutch Jews? The article first surveys the answers given to this question since the beginnings of Dutch Holocaust historiography in the immediate post-war period until the debates of today and the factors that influenced the shaping of some basic perceptions on “Dutch society and the Jews”. It then proceeds to detailing several facts from the Holocaust period that are essential for an evaluation of gentile attitudes. The article concludes with the observation that – in spite of ongoing debates – the overall picture which has accumulated after decades of research will not essentially being altered. Although the Holocaust was initiated, planned and carried out from Berlin, and although a considerable number of Dutchmen helped and hid Jews and the majority definitely despised the Germans, considerable parts of Dutch society contributed to the disastrous outcome of the Jewish lot in the Netherlands – through a high amount of servility towards the German authorities, through indifference when Jewish fellow-citizens were persecuted, through economically benefiting from the persecution and from the disappearance of Jewish neighbors, and through actual collaboration (stemming from a variety of reasons). Consequently, the picture of the Holocaust in the Netherlands is multi-dimensional, but altogether puzzling and not favorable.


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Michman, D. (2016). Dutch Society and the Jewish Fate: A Puzzling Record. Zagłada Żydów. Studia I Materiały, (12), 425-434.

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                            View No. 12 (2016)

No. 12 (2016)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Points of View