View No. 19 (2023)

No. 19 (2023)


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Section: Studies

“I’m going to the oven because I didn’t want to give myself up.” Records of the Social Court of the Central Jewish in Poland. An attempt at a gender reading

Ewa Koźmińska-Frejlak

PhD., sociologist, researcher at the Jewish Historical Institute. Her research interests include the social history of Jews in Poland after the Holocaust and early Holocaust historiography. Author of texts in this field, editor of sources. She heads the editorial committee of the series "Critical Edition of the Works of the Central Jewish Historical Commission." In 2022, she published the book After the Holocaust. Assimilation Practices of Survivors as Strategies for Settling in Poland (1944/45-1950). She is currently working on a monograph of the Central Jewish Historical Commission.

Jewish Historical Institute

Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, No. 19 (2023), pages: 377-407

Publication date: 2023-12-23


The primary task of the Social Court of the Central Jewish Committee in Poland was to pass judgement “in cases of misconduct by a member of the Jewish community during the Nazi occupation unbefitting a Jewish citizen, through his participation and harmful activity in the Jewish Councils, the ghetto police, concentration camp administration or other cooperation with the occupying forces to the detriment of society”, according to the rules established by this court. The Social Court was established in September 1946, and operated until 1950. In the text, the author analyzes the files collected in the Citizens’ Tribunal (of the Central Committee of Polish Jews, CKŻP) collection in the Archives of the Jewish Historical Institute, archive no. 313. Their reading, as she tries to demonstrate, reveals to the researcher the insufficiently explored areas of women’s experience of the Holocaust, the boundaries of chich were marked by female physicality and the social roles attributed to women, which were not always directly related to it.

Źródła archiwalne / Archival Sources

Archiwum Żydowskiego Instytutu Historycznego

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Centralny Komitet Żydów w Polsce, Sąd Społeczny (Obywatelski) przy CKŻP, 313.

Źródła publikowane / Published Sources

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Opracowania / Content related Literature

Engel David, Who is a Collaborator? The Trials of Michal Weichert [w:] The Jews in Poland,

t. 2, red. Sławomir Kapralski, Kraków: Judaica Foundation, 1999.

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Finder Gabriel N., Prusin Alexader V., Jewish Collaborators on Trials in Poland 1944–1956,

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Haska Agnieszka, „Jestem Żydem, chcę wejść”. Hotel Polski w Warszawie 1943, Warszawa: IFiS PAN, Centrum Badań nad Zagładą, 2006.

Ringelheim Joan, The Split Between Gender and the Holocaust [w:] Women in the Holocaust, red. Dalia Ofer, Leonore J. Weitzman, New Haven – London: Yale University Press, 1998.

Shik Na’ama, Description and silence: sexual abuse in early and later testimonies of survivors and the emergence of the Israeli narrative, „Holocaust Studies” 2021, t. 27, nr 4.

Staram się być feministką bez programu politycznego… Z Nechamą Tec rozmawia Ewa Koźmińska-Frejlak, „Midrasz” 2006, nr 4.

Żbikowski Andrzej, Sąd Społeczny przy CKŻP. Wojenne rozliczenia społeczności żydowskiej w Polsce, Warszawa: ŻIH, 2014.

Netografia / Netography

Ofer Dalia, Weitzman Leonore J., Women in the Holocaust [w:] Jewish Women A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia,


Ostrowska Joanna, Prostytucja w gettach, Ostrowska-Prostytucja-w-gettach/menu-id-129.html.


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Koźmińska-Frejlak, E. (2023). “I’m going to the oven because I didn’t want to give myself up.” Records of the Social Court of the Central Jewish in Poland. An attempt at a gender reading. Zagłada Żydów. Studia I Materiały, (19), 377-407.

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No. 19 (2023)


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Dział: Studies