Rabbi Josef Lejb Gelernter from Skępe and his Traces in the Ringelblum Archive
Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, No. 15 (2019), pages: 355-370
Publication date: 2019-12-20
This text consists of two parts. The ϐirst one presents Rabbi Josef Lejb Gelernter’s biography. Gelernter had been a rabbi in Skępe since 1931, after which he was in the Warsaw ghetto, where he became engaged in the organization of social welfare for Orthodox refugees and DPs. The second part contains three primary sources: a testimony about the expulsion of Jews
from Skępne in 1939 and the special role Gelernter played in his community; Gelernter’s report on the issue of kosherness among refugees in the Warsaw ghetto, and an appeal attributed to him which regards the neglect of burial customs in the Jewish district.
Holocaust, Warsaw ghetto, religious life, rabbi, kosherness, social welfare
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