View No. 18 (2022)

No. 18 (2022)


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Section: Materials

Yeshiva Students as Refugees in the Soviet Union

Esther Farbstein

Director and Senior Lecturer at the Center for Holocaust Studies she founded at Michlala College in Jerusalem, a pioneer in Holocaust research and religious school studies. She also teaches classes at the International School of Holocaust Studies Yad Vashem and coordinates courses on the Holocaust organized for teachers by the Beth Jacob Center. Her research interests include the life of Orthodox Jews in Europe (including Hungary) before the war and during the Holocaust, the role of rabbis during the Holocaust, and halakhic responses to the Holocaust. She has published numerous articles and two books: Hidden in Thunder: Perspectives on Faith, Halacha and Leadership during the Holocaust (2007) and Hidden in the Heights: Orthodox Jewry in Hungary during the Holocaust (2014).

Michlala College in Jerusalem

Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, No. 18 (2022), pages: 492-519

Publication date: 2022-12-30


The article concerns yeshiva students as well as rabbis who found themselves in the Soviet Union during World War II. The author analyzes the diary of Rabbi Chaim Stein, trying to answer the following questions: How did the yeshivah students and the rabbis cope with life in the Soviet Union? Was any semblance of yeshivah life possible in the Soviet kolkhozes? What did they know about the war and about the fate of their families? How did they perceive events from their religious viewpoint?

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Farbstein, E. (2022). Yeshiva Students as Refugees in the Soviet Union. Zagłada Żydów. Studia I Materiały, (18), 492-519.

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                            View No. 18 (2022)

No. 18 (2022)


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Dział: Materials