View No. 17 (2021)

No. 17 (2021)


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Section: From research workshops

In Search of Local Memory of the Holocaust. The Case of Commemoration of Jewish Communities in Smaller Towns in Contemporary Poland

Marta Duch-Dyngosz

doctor of sociology, based on the doctoral dissertation defended in 2017 at the Institute of Sociology of the Jagiellonian University, entitled "Commemorating Jewish communities in former shtetls in contemporary Poland. «Memory Overworking» or «Memory Abuse»? On the example of selected towns of the former Galicia”. She was a scholarship holder of the Fulbright Junior Advanced Research Awards (2012–2013) and the National Science Center (2014–2016). She was involved in many Holocaust remembrance projects. Recently, she has been working in the teams of the projects "Social anthropology of emptiness: Poland and Ukraine after the Second World War" (No. 0101 / NPRH3 / H12 / 82/2014) and "Auschwitz in the social memory of Poles after 75 years. In the context of the changes in memory of the extermination of Jews and World War II as well as the policy of remembrance in Poland, Europe, and the world ”(no. 2018/29 / B / HS6 / 02133). She lectures at the Institute of Jewish Studies and the Institute of Intercultural Studies of the Jagiellonian University. She is a co-author of the publication entitled Anti-Semitism in Poland: Survey Results and a Qualitative Study of Catholic Communities ("Nationalities Papers" 2013, vol. 42, no. 1) and Collective Memory of Auschwitz and World War II among Catholics in Poland: A Qualitative Study of Three Communities ( "History and Memory" 2013, vol. 25, no. 2). Once an editor, now a collaborator of the Znak monthly.

Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, Center for Anthropological Research on Museums and Heritage, Humboldt-Universität

Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, No. 17 (2021), pages: 435-462

Publication date: 2021-12-20


In the article I analyzed different strategies of representing the Holocaust in initiatives commemorating Jewish communities in local Poland. The annihilation of the Jews is the example of a difficult memory. The social phenomenon undermines the group values and social norms. With regard to local communities the difficult memory has often stemmed from the experience of “being close to the Shoah”. The particular position toward suffering of Jewish community had become a ground for varied attitudes of (co)responsibility and (co)participation of members of local communities regarding the Holocaust. Generally, memory about those events was subject of a vernacular transmission after the war, yet it didn’t become public one. In the consequence, in towns inhabited by numerous Jewish communities till the Holocaust, a specific community of memory had been shaped aftermath: characterized mainly by conspiracy of silence regarding Jewish history and culture. Yet, in the recent time in those social spaces one may observe more and more commemorative initiatives which has been invoking various aspects of the local Jewish heritage. Usually, in commemorative practices and products a group portraits itself. Thus, referring – by almost exclusively non-Jewish social actors – to Jewish history and culture has raised some ethical concerns. In the article I took into consideration form, content and social actors involved in selected commemorative practices (such as days of memory, lectures, walks, performances) and commemorative products (books, documentaries, inhibits of local museums, memorials) which concern the annihilation of the Jewish community. It enabled me to characterize a self-perception (actual or desired) of a group in the context of invoked history of the Holocaust. Important was what in this specific representation of the past remained absent or silenced. In the article I distinguished three strategies of representing the annihilation of the Jews, which are as follows: 1) neutralizing and closing up difficult themes; 2) counterbalancing, excluding and subordinating history of the Shoah; 3) including and recognizing the Jewish memory. I applied critical discourse analysis referring to Elżbieta Janicka and Tomasz Żukowski’s study of philosemitic violence, among others. To this regard I related to sociological case studies carried on in Bobowa, Dąbrowa Tarnowska and Rymanow (2010–2016). I conducted desk research, both individual in-depth and focus group interviews, and participant observation.

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Duch-Dyngosz, M. (2021). In Search of Local Memory of the Holocaust. The Case of Commemoration of Jewish Communities in Smaller Towns in Contemporary Poland . Zagłada Żydów. Studia I Materiały, (17), 435-462.

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                            View No. 17 (2021)

No. 17 (2021)


Data publikacji:

Dział: From research workshops