Yolocaust: Platform Capitalism and Digital Holocaust Commemoration Practices
Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, No. 17 (2021), pages: 358-375
Publication date: 2021-12-20
Online commemorations are associated with scandals and faux pases, but many content creators do not intend to offend anybody or become an object of online hate. Aside the existing methods of describing digital commemorations (content analysis, comparisons with the traditional media memory), the article makes use of netnography, that is observation and analysis of Internet users’ behavior. It also examines the ecosystem of the digital media in the context of platform capitalism. The research materials are: the yolocaust.de website, photographs of Auschwitz by Tomasz Lewandowski, and survivor Inge Ginsberg’s heavy metal performances.
Yolocaust, platform capitalism, digital Holocaust commemoration, Auschwitz, YouTube.com, Tomasz Lewandowski, Inge Ginsberg
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Other articles by the same auhtor(s)
- Tomasz Łysak, ENCYCLOPEDIA of Holocaust Literature. Volume 1-2 , Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały: No. 2 (2006)