View No. 16 (2020)

No. 16 (2020)


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Section: Polemics

In bondage to their own beliefs, that is, to whom new knowledge about the Ładoś passports bothers. Polemics with article by Michał Sobelman Illusory passports. The case of South American passports as seen from Będzin

Jakub Kumoch

Dr. Jakub Kumoch – a political scientist and orientalist, he served as the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Switzerland and Liechtenstein from 2016 to 2020, thereafter being appointed Ambassador to Turkey. He is the author of publications devoted to the activities of Aleksander Ładoś and his diplomats and associates. In 2019 and 2020, he was the co-author and editor of the Polish and English edition of “The Ładoś List”. His articles have also been published in “Polski Przegląd Dyplomatyczny” and “Revue d'histoire de la Shoah”. Before assuming the office of ambassador, Jakub Kumoch worked, among others, as a journalist, an analyst at the Polish Institute of Foreign Affairs and the Centre for Eastern Studies, and as an election expert of the European Union.

Polish Embassy in Turkey

Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, No. 16 (2020), pages:

Publication date: 2021-01-21


The article is a response to a critique of The Ładoś List made by Michał Sobelman in his article “Illusory passports”. Basing himself on source materials from Swiss and American archives, the author rejects Michał Sobelman’s main supposition, namely that the passports from Bern were in their overriding majority produced solely by Jewish organizations. He polemicizes with the thesis that, in essence, the Ładoś passports did not save lives, observing that at least 15% of their holders in occupied Poland and as many as 60% in the occupied Netherlands survived the Holocaust. The present article also contains a partial discussion of the state of research into Aleksander Ładoś, with the author concluding that, through their failure to make full use of available sources, historians have overlooked many aspects of this rescue operation, among others the activities of one of its main executors, the Polish Consul Konstanty Rokicki, who falsified the greater part of the Paraguayan documents.

Ed. note - despite the fact, that this article was published by the author previously in the journal "Studia nad Totalitarzmami i Wiekiem XX" vol. 4. Editors of "Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały / Holocaust Studies and Materials", feeling the obligation to maintain the consistency of the circulation of scientific debate, in agreement with the author and the editors of the place of the first printing, decided to place a PDF of the text in the "Polemics" section. 

Article by Michał Sobelman, Illusory passports. The case of South American passports as seen from Będzin

Bibliografia / Bibliography

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Google Scholar citations - click icon to view


Kumoch, J. (2021). In bondage to their own beliefs, that is, to whom new knowledge about the Ładoś passports bothers. Polemics with article by Michał Sobelman Illusory passports. The case of South American passports as seen from Będzin. Zagłada Żydów. Studia I Materiały, (16). Retrieved from

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No. 16 (2020)


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Dział: Polemics