View No. 16 (2020)

No. 16 (2020)


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Section: Curiosa

Toruń Yad Vashem

Alicja Podbielska

post-graduate student at Clark University in the United States, where she is working on her dissertation on Polish memory of rescuing Jews during the Holocaust. Scholar of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the Leibniz Institute in Munich, and the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York

Clark University

Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, No. 16 (2020), pages: 878-883

Publication date: 2020-12-15


This paper analyses the Toruń Park of National Memory “They behaved decently”, dedicated to Poles who rescued Jews, organized by the “Lux Veritas” Foundation. The author looks at the project and compares them with other Tadeusz Rydzyk’s initiatives concerning Polish help and the role of the Toruń media in spreading anti-Semitic content. What is remarkable is the magnification of the number of rescuers and rescued, the symbolic merging of the Righteous with the so-called “accursed soldiers” and the emphasis laid on the role of Poles as victims and the failure to commemorate the Holocaust. The author shows how the Toruń park promotes the narration of Poles-Catholics as a nation of rescuers

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Podbielska, A. (2020). Toruń Yad Vashem . Zagłada Żydów. Studia I Materiały, (16), 878-883.

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                            View No. 16 (2020)

No. 16 (2020)


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Dział: Curiosa