View No. 16 (2020)

No. 16 (2020)


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Section: Studies

The Hakhshara Movement in the Łódź Ghetto in Light of Documents 1940–1941

Ewa Wiatr

adjunct at the Jewish Research Centre of Łódź University. Research interests: history of the Jewish diaspora in Łódź and the Łódź area, chiefly during World War II and the Holocaust. Kronika getta łódzkiegoEncyklopedia getta łódzkiego, and the Judaica Łódzkie series. On her own, she edited Rywka Lipszyc’s diary (2017, Polityka [weekly] Historical Award, 2018), and in cooperation with Adam Sitarek, Dawid Sierakowiak’s (2016) Heniek Fogiel’s diary (2019). Currently working on a monograph on everyday life in the Łódź ghetto, an elaboration on her dissertation defended in 2018. Participated in the program “Lexicon of the Łódź Ghetto” carried out within the framework of National Programme for the Development of Humanities

Center for Jewish Studies, University of Lodz

Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, No. 16 (2020), pages: 55-82

Publication date: 2020-12-16


This article is devoted to the Hakhshara programs operating during the first months of the Łódź ghetto’s existence. A few dozen groups associating Jewish youth were formed on abandoned farms in Marysin in the summer of 1940. They were formally incorporated into the Agricultural Department, which operated within the framework of the Jewish administration of the ghetto. They were divided into two types. Those named with letters associated people connected with Zionist Halutz organizations, that is, those who were preparing to play the role of pioneers in Palestine. By contrast, those marked with Roman numerals associated young people from very different milieus. Referred to in documents as kibbutzim, the groups were headed by boards elected by their members. They organized work on the farms on which the buildings they occupied were situated and they conducted cultural and sports activity. The level of those group’s independence decreased in the late autumn of 1940. Aside internal conflicts the factors which contributed to the fall of the Hakhshara movement were the worsening food supply in the ghetto (growing shortages of foodstuffs) and the necessity to organize the Departments of Labor, to which directed were the young people from Marysin

Źródła archiwalne / Archival sources

Archiwum Masua

-4/120, Relacja Josefa Wassercyjera

Archiwum Moreszet, Bejt Edut al szem Mordechaj Anielewicz


Archiwum Państwowe w Łodzi (AP Łódź)

zespół Przełożony Starszeństwa Żydów

Archiwum YIVO Institute for Jewish Research w Nowym Jorku (AYIVO)

RG 241, Kolekcja Nachmana Zonabenda

Archiwum Żydowskiego Instytutu Historycznego w Warszawie (ĄŻIH)

, Relacje Żydów Ocalałych z Zagłady

Publikacje / Publications

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Poznański Jakub, Dziennik z łódzkiego getta, Warszawa: Bellona i ŻIH, 2002.

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Rok za drutem kolczastym. Na marginesie obwieszczeń Pana Prezesa Ch. Rumkowskiego. Obwieszczenia Przełożonego Starszeństwa Żydów w getcie łódzkim 1940–1944, oprac. Adam Sitarek, Ewa Wiatr, Warszawa: ŻIH, 2019.


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Wiatr, E. (2020). The Hakhshara Movement in the Łódź Ghetto in Light of Documents 1940–1941. Zagłada Żydów. Studia I Materiały, (16), 55-82.

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                            View No. 16 (2020)

No. 16 (2020)


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Dział: Studies