Murderers, persecutors, helpers. Holocaust issues in the files of Radom branch office )
Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, No. 4 (2008), pages: 484-498
Publication date: 2008-11-02
The branch office operating in Radom, known as the Special Prosecutor of the Criminal Court in Lublin, and the Prosecutor of the District Court in Radom that continued its proceedings, during 1945–1950 undertook around 1,200 investigations against Nazi criminals and Poles charged with broadly understood collaboration with the occupier. In the preserved files of both institutions one can find interesting materials related to the Holocaust. The first group of materials concerns representatives of the Nazi power apparatus involved in murders of Jews, comprising criminals from the forced labour camps in Bliżyn, Radom and Sandomierz. The second group concerns those who denunciated refugees from the ghetto, engaged in physical and psychological violence toward Jews as well as their economic exploitation. It comprises German civil employees from industrial plants in Radom and Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, and Poles from various central localities on Polish territory. The third group of materials contains data on help offered by Poles and so-called “ethnic Germans” (Volksdeutsche) to Jews, which consisted in providing them with food and shelter.
Nazi crimes, collaboration, Polish-Jewish relations, Holocaust
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