„Na ciechańskiej plebanii”. Historia ocalenia Zofii Trembskiej. Studium przypadku
Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, Nr 6 (2010), strony: 232-252
Data publikacji: 2010-12-30
The article is a case study of hiding Lila Flachs in the house of an Orthodox priest, Jan Lewiarz. It tells the story of a Jewish girl and an Orthodox priest of Polish nationality pretending to be Ukrainian siblings in a Lemko village and protected by the authority of a Ukrainian nationalist who was the priest’s friend. The confluence of the fate of a Pole, a Jewess and a Ukrainian, and their complex relations give a picture of reality with many hues of grey, with no black-white divisions. There are few stories of saving Jews by village priests that are documented so well. The wealth of sources produced at different times and by different people, allows not only a detailed examination and reconstruction of the story, but also an in-depth penetration into the relations between the protagonists, study of the influence of memory on the content and character of the story.
Słowa kluczowe
Relacje polsko-żydowskie, Zagłada, ratowanie Żydów, Ciechania

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