View No. Holocaust Studies and Materials (2017)

No. Holocaust Studies and Materials (2017)


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Section: Materials

“Germans have killed our Jews, so we’re getting rid of them.” The case of Edward Toniakiewicz

Barbara Engelking

Barbara Engelking, psychologist, professor of social sciences; head of the Polish Center for Holocaust Research of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Engelking and Jacek Leociak are scholarly supervisors of the Holocaust gallery in the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw. Recently published Such a Beautiful Sunny Day… – Jews Seeking Refuge in the Polish Countryside, 1942–1945 (2016); a new, amended, improved and extended edition of their book Getto warszawskie. Przewodnik po nieistniejącym mieście (2013, together with Jacek Leociak) (English edition: The Warsaw Ghetto: A Guide to the Perished City); and also critical editions of sources: Mietek Pachter’s Umierać też trzeba umieć… (2015), Sny chociaż mamy wspaniałe. Okupacyjne dzienniki Żydów z okolic Mińska Mazowieckiego (2016), and „Po wojnie, z pomocą bożą, już niebawem”. Pisma Kopla i Mirki Piżyców o życiu w getcie i okupacyjnej Warszawie (2017).

Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, No. Holocaust Studies and Materials (2017), pages: 401-420

Publication date: 2017-12-06


The author investigates how corpses of murdered Jews were hidden in towns during the occupation. She examines the case of Edward Toniakiewicz and his murder of three Jews he was hiding in his cellar, and whose bodies he then attempted to dump into a nearby pond. The crime came to light due to his neighbour’s curiosity. The investigation was conducted by the Polish ‘blue’ police, and its documentation was used during Toniakiewicz’s trial after the war. This revealing paper acquaints the reader with various aspects of the fate of Jews hiding on the ‘Aryan side’.


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Engelking, B. . (2017). “Germans have killed our Jews, so we’re getting rid of them.” The case of Edward Toniakiewicz. Zagłada Żydów. Studia I Materiały, (Holocaust Studies and Materials), 401-420.

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                            View No. Holocaust Studies and Materials (2017)

No. Holocaust Studies and Materials (2017)


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Dział: Materials