View No. 16 (2020)

No. 16 (2020)


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Section: Materials

Official and intimate. Łódź ghetto in pictures

Michał Trębacz

historian, head of the Research Department of the Polin Museum of the History of Polish Jews and adjunct at the Jewish Research Centre of Łódź University. Research interests: socio-political history of the 20th century, with particular emphasis on Jewish history and biographical studies. Member of several grants concerning the history of the inter-war period and World War II, including “The Ringelblum Archive - full edition”. Published the book Izrael Lichtenstein (1883–1933). Biografia żydowskiego socjalisty; co-editor of volumes: Zagłada Żydów na polskiej prowincji and Józef Zelkowicz. Notatki z getta łódzkiego (1941–1944)

Museum of the History Polish Jews POLIN, Center for Jewish Studies, University of Lodz

Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, No. 16 (2020), pages: 393-413

Publication date: 2020-12-15


A collection of photographs from the Łódź ghetto is the largest surviving collection of this kind of photographs. The collection consists of several thousand photographs taken officially by members of the Jewish and German administration, and from hundreds of illegal copies, both those documenting the Holocaust and from private memorabilia. The collection was often used in publications and exhibitions, most often as illustrations. The author tired to systematize those photographs, analyzing individual shots, not only in order to identify the situations and people depicted and primarily the circumstances in which the photographs were taken, in a bid to interpret the intention of the photographer

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Trębacz, M. (2020). Official and intimate. Łódź ghetto in pictures. Zagłada Żydów. Studia I Materiały, (16), 393-413.

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                            View No. 16 (2020)

No. 16 (2020)


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Dział: Materials