View No. 16 (2020)

No. 16 (2020)


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Section: Holocaust commemorations

Commemoration of Jewish Łódź: how the past manifests itself in the present

Joanna Gubała-Czyżewska

graduate of the Institute of Sociology of Łódź University. She continued her research interests in the methodology of social studies (begun with her methodological and research major) during her post-graduate studies, when she was deeply involved in the work of the Chair of the Methodology and Techniques of Social Studies in her home institute. In 2018, she defended her dissertation, which was crowned the many years of research of collective memory of Łódź inhabitants and the methodological specificity of this research area.

Institute of Sociology, Lodz University

Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, No. 16 (2020), pages: 721-742

Publication date: 2020-12-15


Looking on the past of every city, we can identify various events that remain in the memory of its inhabitants, images transmitted from generation to generation – in the case of Łódź it is undoubtedly the functioning in the city of the Jewish ghetto. But it has not always been so: the memory of the history of the Jewish community underwent transformation for the long decades of the 20th century, only to become part of the canon of events that are important for the city. As late as 15–20 years ago, images of Łódź focused on the multicultural history of the city wee not so common, and were rather an element of collective oblivion. But since then, something that we can red from the contents present in everyday press, in the calendar of anniversary celebrations or the topographical tissue of commemoration, the memory of neighbors of other nationalities returns.

Within the framework of the research project that was the starting point for this paper, studies of the collective memory of Łódź inhabitants were carried out, and focused precisely on these carriers. Beginning with the reflection related to the memory canon and the role of memory images of the multicultural Łódź in the context of other themes of collective memory (diagnosed by means of surveys questionnaires), reflections on the Jewish Łódź were also deepened by observation of specific commemorative actions and the material manifestations of this memory – statutes and plaques that are gradually appearing in the city in the early decades of the 21st century.

And although research results show that blank spots have been temporarily filled by frequent cultural references in culture, tourism or art, it is worthwhile to ask to what extent this memory is rooted in the actions and emotions of contemporary Łódź inhabitants.

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Gubała-Czyżewska, J. (2020). Commemoration of Jewish Łódź: how the past manifests itself in the present. Zagłada Żydów. Studia I Materiały, (16), 721-742.

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No. 16 (2020)


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Dział: Holocaust commemorations