View No. 14 (2018)

No. 14 (2018)


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Section: Studies

Before the Pogrom in Przytyk. The National Movement and the Genesis of the Anti-Jewish Incidents in the Kielce Province During 1931–1935

Kamil Kijek

Kamil Kijek - PhD, historian and sociologist, assistant professor at the Tadeusz Taube Department of Jewish Studies of the University of Wrocław. He deals with the history of Jews in Central and Eastern Europe in the 20th century. His most important publications include: Was It Possible to avoid 'Hebrew Assimilation'? Hebraism, Polonization, and the Zionist "Tarbut" School System in the Last Decade of Interwar Poland ("Jewish Social Studies" 2016, vol. 21, no. 2); Dzieci modernizmu. Świadomość i socjalizacja polityczna młodzieży żydowskiej w Polsce międzywojennej (2017); Aliens in the Land of Piast: The Polonization of Lower Silesia and Its Jewish Community in the Years 1945–1950 (in: Jews and Germans in Eastern Europe. Shared and Comparative Histories, ed. Tobias Grill (2018); Between love of Poland, symbolic violence and anti-Semitism. On the idiosyncratic effect of the state education system among the Jewish youth in Interwar Poland ("Polin. Studies in Polish Jewry" 2018, vol. 30).

Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, No. 14 (2018), pages: 45-79

Publication date: 2018-12-02


This article is a revision of causes of anti-Jewish violence that swept through the provincial towns and villages in Central Poland (in Kielce Voievodship) in the years 1935–1937 and included well-known pogrom in Przytyk in 1936. By studying political activity of the National Party (Stronnictwo Narodowe) and its ‘young’ radical members in the years 1931–1935, it shows their role in implementation of specific political culture of anti-Jewish violence, radical modernist Antisemitism, fascism and militarism in the Polish countryside, that all became crucial context of events that took place in the subsequent years.

Źródła archiwalne

Archiwum Akt Nowych (AAN)

Ministerstwo Sraw Wewnętrznych 1918–1939

Urząd Wojewódzki Kielecki

Archiwum Państwowe w Kielcach (AP Kielce)

Urząd Wojewódzki Kielecki I


„Gazeta Narodowa” (Częstochowa) 1933

„Myśl Narodowa” 1934

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Kijek, K. . (2018). Before the Pogrom in Przytyk. The National Movement and the Genesis of the Anti-Jewish Incidents in the Kielce Province During 1931–1935. Zagłada Żydów. Studia I Materiały, (14), 45-79.

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No. 14 (2018)


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