View No. 18 (2022)

No. 18 (2022)


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Section: Materials

“I Crossed the Border…” 1940 Testimonies of Refugees from Occupied Poland

Agnieszka Haska

The author presents a little-known collection of testimonies of refugees who fled to Palestine. The testimonies were recorded in 1940 in Tel Aviv by the United Committee for Help to Polish Jews. They were published during the war, from May 1940 to September 1941, in Polish as well as in Hebrew and English. This selection includes testimonies of people who discussed the details of their escape from occupied Poland. The bulletins that include the testimonies are stored at Yad Vashem: fond M.4, Rescue Committee (Vaad Hahatzalah) of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel, file numbers 219 and 220.

Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy od Sciences

Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, No. 18 (2022), pages: 975-491

Publication date: 2023-03-11


The author presents a little-known collection of testimonies of refugees who fled to Palestine. The testimonies were recorded in 1940 in Tel Aviv by the United Committee for Help to Polish Jews. They were published during the war, from May 1940 to September 1941, in Polish as well as in Hebrew and English. This selection includes testimonies of people who discussed the details of their escape from occupied Poland. The bulletins that include the testimonies are stored at Yad Vashem: fond M.4, Rescue Committee (Vaad Hahatzalah) of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel, file numbers 219 and 220.

Archiwum Yad Vashem, M.4 – Rescue Committee (Vaad Hahatzalah) of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel, sygn. 219 i 220.

German Occupation of Poland: Extract of Note Addressed to the Allied and Neutral Powers,

New York–London: Greystone Press i Wydawnictwo Rój in Exile, 1941.

Stola Dariusz, Nadzieja i Zagłada. Ignacy Schwarzbart – żydowski przedstawiciel w Radzie

Narodowej RP (1940–1945), Warszawa: Oficyna Naukowa, 1995.


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Haska, A. (2023). “I Crossed the Border…” 1940 Testimonies of Refugees from Occupied Poland. Zagłada Żydów. Studia I Materiały, (18), 975-491.

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                            View No. 18 (2022)

No. 18 (2022)


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Dział: Materials