„Arbeit macht frei” – kilka uwag o genezie i podłożu ideowym hasła na podstawie książki Wolfganga Brücknera "Arbeit macht frei: Herkunft und Hintergrund der KZ –Devise"
Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, Nr 4 (2008), strony: 499-510
Data publikacji: 2008-11-02
The following paper is based primarly on the extensive study conducted by Wolfgang Brückner in his book Arbeit macht frei: Herkunft und Hintergrund der KZ –Devise. The article aims to present the origin, social context and ideological background of the motto “Arbeit macht frei” and other related texts placed above the entrances to some of the nazi concentration camps. The author raises the question, to what extent was the act of placing of such a motto in a KZ a mere sign of cynism or a conscious demonstration of ideological conviction of the SS-members, internalized in the process of bringing up and socialization in a specific environment.
Słowa kluczowe
„Arbeit macht frei”, Rudolf Höss, praca przymusowa, obozy koncentracyjne
Copyright (c) 2008 Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały

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