Narodowa Organizacja Wojskowa i Narodowe Siły Zbrojne wobec Żydów pod Kraśnikiem – korekta obrazu
Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, Nr 7 (2011), strony: 23-62
Data publikacji: 2011-12-10
The text attempts to reconstruct the circumstances of the death of a few dozen escapees – Polish Army soldiers in September 1939 of Jewish origin – from the camp in Lipowa Street in Lublin at the end of 1942. The case was the subject of heated discussion among historians, who, informed by political considerations, blamed different Polish underground groups. The reconstruction is based mostly on materials of postwar investigations and trials of the persons connected with the nationalist underground in the Kraśnik district. Even though those trials were partly political (hence, the sources required particular criticism) it was possible to establish that the perpetrators were from a detachment of National Military Organization-National Army (Narodowa Organizacja Wojskowa-Armia Narodowa) set up near Kraśnik, which was then incorporated into the National Armed Forces (Narodowe Siły Zbrojne, NSZ). The author also takes up the issue of the general attitude of the NSZ on that area toward hiding Jews
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