View No. 19 (2023)

No. 19 (2023)


Publication date:

Section: In Memoriam

Paweł Spiewak

Barbara Engelking

psychologist, professor of social sciences; at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, he directs the Holocaust Research Center. Together with Jacek Leociak, she is the scientific supervisor of the Holocaust gallery at the Polin Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw. Her publications include It's Such a Beautiful, Sunny Day... The Fate of Jews Seeking Rescue in the Polish Countryside 1942-1945 (2011) and (together with Jacek Leociak) a new, revised, amended and expanded edition of the book Warsaw Ghetto. A Guide to a Non-Existent City (2013, 3rd edition in preparation), as well as critical editions of sources: Umierać też trzeba umie ć... by Mietek Pachter (2015), Sny chociaż mamy wspaniałe. Okupacyjny dzienniki Żydów z okolic Mińska Mazowieckiego (2016), "Po wojnie, z pomocą boży, już niebawem". The writings of Kopel and Mirka Piżyca on life in the ghetto and occupation Warsaw (2017), and "Reading a German newspaper..." A diary written in hiding in Warsaw in 1943-1944 by Jakub Hochberg (2019). Co-editor (with Jan Grabowski) and co-author of the two-volume publication Dalej jest noc. The fate of Jews in selected counties of occupied Poland (2018).

Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, No. 19 (2023), pages: 769-770

Publication date: 2023-12-23


I met Pawel in 1984, when he was teaching a class on the history of sociological thought at the UW Department of Sociology.
Many students from other departments came to these popular seminars, including me, a psychology student. A group of friends formed there, and we began to meet at private seminars, to which we invited speakers and discussed, including with Marcin Król about ideas, and with Stefan Marody about "Simply" and anti-Semitism or 1968. Friendly relations also fostered joint trips to the mountains - in summer or winter.


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Engelking, B. (2023). Paweł Spiewak. Zagłada Żydów. Studia I Materiały, (19), 769-770.

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                            View No. 19 (2023)

No. 19 (2023)


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Dział: In Memoriam