Testimony of Poale Zion Left activist Pola Elster regarding the situation at the Umschlagplatz and in the transport to Poniatowa in April 1943
Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, No. 19 (2023), pages: 138-152
Publication date: 2023-12-23
We are publishing a testimony of Pola Elster (1911–1944), one of the leaders of Poale Zion-Left and a co-organizer and member of the Jewish Fighting Organization in the Warsaw Ghetto. The testimony, probably intended by the author as an introduction to her memories from the Poniatowa labor camp, contains harrowing descriptions of the Umchlagplatz and of the transport to the camp. The narrative breaks off when the train arrives in Lublin. The testimony is not dated but was certainly written between the fall of 1943 and the summer of 1944. It was published in 1949 In the original language (Polish) by the Poale Zion biweekly Nasze Słowo. It is preceded by a biography of Pola Elster, as well as a brief description of her legacy.
Pola Elster, Poale Zion-Left, Jewish National Committee, Warsaw ghetto uprising, Poniatowa camp, State National Council
Źródła archiwalne / Archival sources
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Prasa / Press
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