Publication ethics

Holocaust Studies and Materials functions in compliance with the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) regulations.

The Editorial Board 

Members of the Editorial Board decide together which articles (reviewed beforehand) are going to be published, and they are responsible for the overall condition of the published papers. Members of the Board work in accordance with ethical and intellectual norms accepted in academic publications; Members of the Board are always ready to publish errata if necessary.

The Editors shall consider content – and not the Authors’ race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy – as pertinent to the selection of the text for publication.

Members of the Editorial Board shall not disclose any information about the submitted manuscript to any third party that is not engaged directly in the processes of evaluating and publishing the manuscript

In order to provide an impartial evaluation of the submitted manuscripts, each Member of the Editorial Board shall disclose to other members any potential conflict of interest; in such circumstances, this Member does not participate in the process of evaluating the manuscript. If such a conflict is revealed after the publication of the article, the Editorial Board is obliged to publish an adequate rectification in the following issue. 


An Author (or a Co-author) is understood as a person who has developed the idea, prepared the original version of the manuscript, and had the substantial intellectual impact on its development. If it is revealed that the Author has committed plagiarism or self-plagiarism, the Board will require adequate explanations and then will act in accordance with COPE regulations. It can result in informing the supervisors of the Author, rejecting the article, and ceasing any further collaboration with the said Author in the future.

Practices such as ghostwriting and guest authorship are not acceptable in the Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały journal.

In the article, the Author has to disclose information about all the people contributing to its development or involved in the research that resulted in its completion.

If there is a change of information about authorship, an agreement of all the involved parties is required; such an agreement should take the form of a statement sent via e-mail or OJS system to the Editor-in-Chief. The Author that initiates such a change is requested to disclose a clear reason for it. If the Authors have not reached an agreement, the argument ought to be settled by the authorities of their university. The Editing Board will not take part in such a conflict. If such a situation occurs after the publication of the article, an erratum concerning the authorship takes the form of the re-publication of the article with the correct authorship. 


Peer Reviews not only allow the Members of the Board to make an informed decision concerning the publication of the material, but also make it possible for the Author to correct his or her manuscript.

Reviewers shall be impartial and substantive in their evaluation of the submission.

Reviewers are obliged to inform the Editorial Board if they lack competence in the area that the article covers or they are unable to provide the timely delivery of the review.

Reviewers shall not disclose any information about the submitted manuscript to any third party.