View No. 14 (2018)

No. 14 (2018)


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Section: Reports

European Dimension of the Holocaust in Books by German Historians or How to Write About the Anti-Jewish Violence Not Perpetrated by Germans

Daniel Logemann

Daniel Logemann - in the years 2000-2007, he studied the history of Eastern Europe, Polish studies and Southeast Europe studies in Jena, Krakow and Lublin. As a scholarship holder of the Volkswagen Foundation, he obtained his doctorate in the project "Side roads. Unofficial contacts of socialist societies 1956–1989"; for the published doctoral dissertation entitled Das polnische Fenster. Deutsch-polnische Kontakte im staatssozialistischen Alltag Leipzigs 1972–1989 (Polish window. Polish-German contacts in socialist everyday life in Leipzig 1972–1989) received the scientific award of the Polish ambassador. In 2010–2015 he was a researcher and curator at the Museum of the Second World War in Gdansk. For the next three years, he was the scientific director of the College of Europe at the University of Jena. Since 2018, he has been the curator of the section "Forced Labor during National Socialism" at the Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora Memorials Foundation.

Buchenwald Memorial Curator Forced Labor under National Socialism

Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, No. 14 (2018), pages: 618-631

Publication date: 2018-12-20

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Logemann, D. (2018). European Dimension of the Holocaust in Books by German Historians or How to Write About the Anti-Jewish Violence Not Perpetrated by Germans. Zagłada Żydów. Studia I Materiały, (14), 618-631.

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No. 14 (2018)


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