Call for Articles 2023

Call for Articles

YEAR 2023

Reckoning in the first years after the Holocaust: justice, revenge, memory

The central theme of Volume 19 (2023) will be the post-war SEARCH FOR JUSTICE, emphasizing the period 1944–1949. The group of sources proposed for research consists of the files of prosecution investigations, trials of Nazi criminals and collaborators, social courts, and files of civil courts that adjudicated property matters. Researchers have used these materials for many years but still do not exhaust their potential and enormous size. Among the questions raised from the analysis are: Under what circumstances was the evidence given in courts? What was the social and political context? Why did some of the people responsible for crimes remain unpunished? Were the trials – from today’s perspective – fair? Did they give a sense of justice then? Why people who knew perpetrators in some cases did not decide to try to seek justice? It will also be essential to look at the formation of the memory of the Holocaust in the first post-war years, understood as an expression of justice towards the victims.

Contributions are invited from a range of disciplines and perspectives. Suggestions of articles exploring the following key themes will be considered:

  •  Trials of Nazi criminals and collaborators before special and civil courts. New attempts at reading prosecutor and trial files.
  • Witnesses in post-war trials – who they were, how and why they testified. The credibility of the witnesses.
  • Search for evidence of a crime. Post-war returns to places of violence. Exhumations.
  • Recovery of property in the court.
  • Settlements among the survivors. Social courts.
  • Testimonies collected in the first post-war years as documentation of genocide.
  • Revenge and revenge fantasies. Attempts to administer justice outside the law. Vigilante justice.
  • Remembrance or obliteration of memory? The memory of the victims and the perpetrators in the first years after the war. Memory and justice in the Polish and European context.

Text submission calendar and procedure

October 31, 2022 –deadline for sending in article proposals containing:

  • an overview of the article comprising: the title, main theses, methodology, and sources; up to 1,800 characters,
  • a short biographical note about the author with information about his/her academic career, current affiliation, research interests and achievements, and a list of significant publications.

The article proposal should be sent by email to the editorial staff:

November 15, 2022 – deadline for the editorial staff’s decision as to which proposals are accepted and which texts are commissioned

March 1, 2023 – deadline for submitting articles through the editorial system at -

The Holocaust. Studies and Materials’ editorial staff follows review procedures which are in accord with the review guidelines prepared by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in the brochure “Dobre praktyki w procedurach recenzyjnych w nauce” [good practices in review procedures in science], particularly:

  • The texts undergo a preliminary review by the editorial staff. The assessment criteria are the subject scope of the article sent in (whether it fits the periodical’s profile), fulfillment of the formal criteria of a scholarly text, and the author’s following the manual of style. Basing on the preliminary recommendation by at least two members of the editorial staff, the texts are either qualified for further review procedure or rejected. In either case, the author is notified about the editorial staff’s decision.

    The editorial staff applies the double-blind review principle, which means that the reviewers do not know the author’s identity and vice versa.

A full description of the review procedure and the reviewers’ list are available on our annual’s website.

Text requirements

Text lenght
  • Studies section — up to 40,000 characters with spaces and footnotes
  • remaining sections — up to 20,000 characters with spaces and footnotes,
  • reviews — up to 15,000 characters with spaces and footnotes.
  • Going beyond these limits is possible only in special cases and only after prior contact with the editorial staff and its consentdział „Studia” – maks. 40 000 znaków łącznie ze spacjami i przypisami

Graphic materials

  • It is possible to include photographs, artwork, graphs, and maps. In the paper edition, they are printed in greyscale.
  • It is necessary to specify their source and provide a caption in the form compliant with the copyright holder’s requirements. The text author is also required to specify the kind of copyright and obtain it.
  • Graphic materials are to be submitted in separate files in the jpg format (photographs, illustrations) or pdf format (graphs, maps) in resolution no lower than 300 dpi.

Text formatting and technical requirements

  • file format – MS Word (doc or docx) / OpenOffice (odt),
  • font: Times New Roman, size 12, adjusted, 1.5 interspaces,
  • headings and subheadings: in bold, adjusted to the left,
  • margins: 2.5 centimeters,
  • footnotes: continuous, font size 10, single line spacing,
  • file title: surname and the first two words of the title divided by underscores (without Polish diacritic marks), for instance, Surname_First_Words.doc
Additional requirements
  • On the title page adjusted to the left:
    • full name
    • affiliation
    • ORCID
    • e-mail
    • summary of the article (up to 600 words) containing general information about the text and a description of the issues brought up, main theses, and conclusions.
    • list of up to 8 keywords.
    • In case of a review below the author’s data please insert the bibliographic details of the book reviewed in this format: “Review: author or editor, title, place of publication, publisher, publication year, number of pages.”
  • At the end of the text please include:
    • The bibliography of the works cited (Archival Sources, followed by Studies, and Websites). Important: both in the footnotes and in the Bibliography please insert the author’s/editor’s full name and the publisher.
    • Note about the author.
  • Optional:
    • In the first footnote, you can include information about the work’s financing from a grant within the framework in which it was written

All guidelines regarding detailed rules of formatting articles and bibliography can be found in our periodical’s manual of style.

Guide for the Author in OJS